When I talk to people about using Twilio (Twilio.com) SMS to engage with their customers I get a lot of push back on the technical side of how to manage a two way conversation.

If you think back to the old days before iPhones and threaded messages. We had whats now called ‘Nokia’ style messages. This is just a continuous list of messages that arrive into your mailbox, messages between two handsets were not threaded or connected in anyway. Twilio operates in the same fashion, a message out to a handset is not connected to a message in from a handset, there is no ID that links them and no function to make parent child relationships.

Step in Twilio Cookies. In the internet world you can use cookies to track a clients events and navigation throughout your website, you can use it to log if a customer viewed a product or read an article and then clicked on a related one. A visual example :

Cookies Example

Cookies Example (Taken from Twilio.com)

Using Cookies with Twilio we can imitate a conversation with the handset / end user, collecting data along the way and at the end of the conversation we can do something meaningful with the information – such as POST the data to a database or store in a file somewhere.

Why would conversations / cookies be handy to use with Twilio? Well, imagine your hosting an event and you want to get feedback from your guests, you can pass your guests a Twilio powered phone number which when they message will initiate a conversation with them.  At the end of the conversation we will have meaningful answers about the event, not to mention the guests phone number so we can follow up with that all important sales call!


The example Im using here is a single page PHP powered script that when your guests message will ask them favourite colour, meal, drink and if they want to go to the movies next week. We will then take this data and make a HTTP POST request to any server with the data. You can use Google Forms here to capture all your responses by amending the URL and POST ID’s. See: https://www.twilio.com/blog/2012/11/connecting-twilio-sms-to-a-google-spreadsheet.html as an example here.

If you just want the code its hosted at: TwilioSMSConversationCookies/TwilioSMSConversation.php

Below is a break down of the script:

These are the questions we want to ask when the user sends us a message:

// Load the questions we want:
$question1 = ‘Hello. What is your favourite colour’;
$question2 = ‘Thanks! Whats your favourite meal’;
$question3 = ‘Tasty! What about to Drink?’;
$question4 = ‘Delish! Do you want to go to the movies next week?’;

At the end of our conversation we want to thank the user so they know that no more questions are coming, and its polite!

// After we have all 4 questions we can upload to the DB and thank the user for their input
$endStatement = ‘Thanks for your time. Hope you have a fun day!’;

We are going to use cookies to track the conversation, I find that its better to pass all the cookies info we want with nil values and add data to these values as the conversation goes rather than adding them as we go. This way we can logically track the conversation.

if(!isset($_COOKIE[‘question1’])) {
$TwiMLResponse = $question1;
//setcookie(‘question1’, ‘nil’);
setcookie(‘event’, $_POST[‘Body’]);
setcookie(‘question1’, ‘nil’);
setcookie(‘question2’, ‘nil’);
setcookie(‘question3’, ‘nil’);
setcookie(‘question4’, ‘nil’);

As this conversation is kicked off by the user and not by us, we set all the question cookies to nil, load the first question into $TwiMLResponse and set the event cookie to be the current data in the original message. So for example if our event was called ‘Mats BBQ’ and I asked all my users to send the opening message as ‘Mats BBQ’ the event cookie would be ‘Mats BBQ’.

Because no question has been asked yet, all our cookie values are blank and we can ask our questions:

// If Question 1 is blank we can pair the answer to question 1
elseif ($_COOKIE[‘question1’] == ‘nil’) {
setcookie(‘question1’, $_POST[‘Body’]);
$TwiMLResponse = $question2;
// If Question 1 is not blank we find out if question 2 is blank and move up the ladder
elseif (($_COOKIE[‘question2’] == ‘nil’)) {
setcookie(‘question2’, $_POST[‘Body’]);
$TwiMLResponse = $question3;
elseif (($_COOKIE[‘question3’] == ‘nil’)) {
setcookie(‘question3’, $_POST[‘Body’]);
$TwiMLResponse = $question4;

Questions 1 to 3 are the same, its a case of moving through the questions, assigning the ‘Body’ value to the last question asked. When we get to the answer for Question 4 we have all our answers, so no need to set any more cookies.

Now we can take all our data, wrap it up into an array and make a HTTP POST request with this data:

// After we get the response for question 4, we can assign it to the question.
// Now we have all 4 questions answered and can pass the thank you note and also make a HTTP POST to our end point
elseif (($_COOKIE[‘question4’] == ‘nil’)) {
// With the last question answered, we can reply with our end statement and POST all the data from the conversation.
$TwiMLResponse = $endStatement;
// So now we have the cookies for the event and questions 1 to 3 and the BODY tag for answer 4. Now we can make a POST request to our form with that data.

// Get cURL resource
$curl = curl_init();
// Set some options – we are passing in a useragent too here
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array(‘From’ => $_POST[‘From’], ‘Event’ => $_COOKIE[‘event’], ‘Question1’ => $_COOKIE[‘question1’], ‘Question2’ => $_COOKIE[‘question2’], ‘Question3’ => $_COOKIE[‘question3’], ‘Question4’ => $_POST[‘Body’])
// Send the request & save response to $resp
$resp = curl_exec($curl);
// Close request to clear up some resources

I’ve removed my POST URL and ID’s to forms so you can see what question tally’s to what data and it should be easy enough to input your own details.

At then end of the php processing loop we need to pass all the information needed by Twilio:

header(‘content-type: text/xml’);
<Response><Sms><?php echo $TwiMLResponse; ?></Sms></Response>

TwiML needs to pass strict XML  to operate so we set the header as XML file and then use the variable $TwiMLResponse to manage what we actually say back to our users.

I hope this helps your events get more data and keep your customers more engaged with your brand.

So for months of my development I’ve wanted to host and use a GitLab Droplet on Digital Ocean (https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=8dc34df963c1). Using the server works great for all my projects bar, ANYTHING xCode! The hours spent screaming at a bit of software “… But the Password is correct you stupid f*$ker, AHHH!!!!”

Up to this point, I had taken to using Xcode to locally manage the git repo for a particular project, which worked well but didn’t allow me to swap machines, pass code to friends or do anything close to what GitLab can to in term of backup and team management.

Eventually I came up with the idea of initialising the Git settings for a project and was going to push all the updated code / changes to GitLab using terminal. Ie, write all the code / project in Xcode, then close Xcode, launch terminal and then push from terminal to GitLab. But then, after I had setup a project directory, added the information needed to connect it to my git: “git init” and then “git remote add origin [email protected]:MyUserName/GitRepo.git” and had done the initial commit and push.

I went into Xcode, created a new project, navigated to the same directory and Xcode proudly told me that a git repo was already in use! See screenshot:

Git Repo Already Exists

Git Repo Already Exists

Clicking ok, and moving on with the rest of the project settings I can now push, commit and update all information FROM Xcode to my GitLab projects.

I hope this helps lots of people who struggle with GitLab / Xcode interrogations, from looking at forums and how-to guides. It seems a lot of people current struggle.